Island of Poel provides fresh beach wrack for composting trials – contra
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Island of Poel provides fresh beach wrack for composting trials

With the tourists’ return, the municipality Spa Administration on the Island of Poel in northern Germany, has also started to prepare the island’s beaches for the summer season. In the last few days, large quantities of fresh beach wrack have been collected by the building yard employees of the municipality. In parallel, Hanseatic Environment CAM GmbH is currently preparing new composting trials. In bright sunshine Hanseatic Environment was handed the first load of fresh, low-sand beach wrack by the Spa Administration. Hanseatic Environment then transported the material to their Sandhagen composting plant.

The beach wrack, provided by the Island of Poel municipality, is now being aerobically composted together with freshly shredded green waste. In about 6 months, the finished compost will be ready to be used for commercial, beach wrack-based substrates.

The provision of beach wrack for research purposes from nearby municipalities is supporting Hanseatic Environment’s activities to convert beach wrack into valuable products. Strengthening the cooperation with the Island of Poel municipality, as an associated partner in the CONTRA-Project, is an essential project goal of Hanseatic Environment. This is helping to establish a continual raw material flow and gives Hanseatic Environment a certain supply security of beach wrack material.

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