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CONTRA and beach wrack in the media

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CONTRA project partners Linnaeus University in Sweden as well as University of Rostock and Hanseatic Environment CAM GmbH in Germany actively promotes CONTRA and the topic of turning beach wrack to a resource and asset in the national, regional and local media.

Read the local newspaper article here: https://www.kalmarposten.se/kalmar/lnu-forskare-kommunicerar-med-hela-varlden-c5e29700 (in Swedish).

The national newspaper article is available for download here (in Swedish).

University of Rostock and Hanseatic Environment CAM GmbH contributed to: mareTV “Die Wismarer Bucht” (minute 8:50, in German language). MareTV is the first and only format on German television that is exclusively dedicated to marine topics. MareTV identifies beautiful and exciting stories about people and the sea all over the world.

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