Our Network
Associated Partners
- Municipality of Vordingborg, DK
- Seegrashandel, DE
- Skåne Association of Local Authorities, SE
- Municipality of Trelleborg, SE
- Region Skåne, SE
- Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, PL
- Gdynia Sports Centre Budget Unit of the Municipality of Gdynia, PL
- Tallinn City Municipality, Tallinn Environmental Department, EE
- Strandparken I/S, DK
- Municipality of Greve, DK
- Municipality of Puck, PL
- Verband Mecklenburgischer Ostseebäder e.V, DE
- Municipality Island of Poel, DE
- Sellin Municipality, DE
- Municipality Breege-Juliusruh, DE
- Gdansk Water Utilities Ltd., PL
- Tolkmicko Municipality and Commune, PL
- Gdansk Waters Gdańskie Wody sp. z o.o., PL
- University of Gdansk - Institute of Oceanography, PL
- Local shore protection authority SBI KO, RU
- Federal State Budget Institution “National Park “Curonian Spit”", RU