Case study: Beach Wrack Conversion
Carbonisation (biochar)
Location: Island of Rügen, Germany
Lead: KS-VTCtech GmbH
Beach wrack conversion (BWC) has its project location on the island of Rügen (Germany) and focusses on the conversion of beach wrack into biochar, which is a carbon neutral solid fuel that can be used in conventionally coal-fired processes (heat-and-power plants, industrial furnaces, etc.).
Despite this technical core of the case study, BWC looks at the entire process chain around the topic:
- “beach cleaning”, transportation, storage and the technical system for the conversion process
- the corresponding legal framework in Germany
- a business plan for the possible erection and operation of a corresponding treatment plant on the island of Rügen.

All partners
The CONTRA partners are from Germany, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Estonia. The project runs from 2019 to 2021 and is supported financially by the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF.