The Beach Wrack Network
The Beach Wrack Network is dedicated to the sustainable management (collection and reuse) of beach wrack in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) whilst protecting beaches as living, natural landscapes.
The network is a multi-discipline and transnational forum made up of beach wrack experts and interested parties. Our tasks are mostly based on a variety of personal interests so as to ignite a broad and lively discussion - thus creating a unique and dedicated beach wrack forum. The Network members can provide advice and information on topics related to beach wrack and its management.
Focus & Role of the Network
- The promotion & communication of sustainable beach wrack management policies and operations in the BSR
- To provide support and advice to policy makers, environmental/conservation groups, public authorities, marine resource management/recycling companies
- The promotion and positioning of already managed beach wrack within the bio-economy
- To open doors on public / private cooperation for the sustainable reuse of collected beach wrack
- To engage stakeholders in local decision making processes and to raise public/next generation awareness
- To act as a focus and catalyst for innovation, research and training on beach wrack related topics
- To provide scientific advice on general and specific matters relating to beach wrack and its management
- To raise awareness across different scientific communities, EU and further afield, to improve integration of research activities.
Join the Network
Joining the Beach Wrack Network is free and without commitment. Members receive an e-mail every year about the Network’s activities, and from time to time information about beach wrack relevant news.
The Network, has been developed and implemented during the EU Interreg project ‚CONTRA‘ (2019-2021)
It lives on after the funding period, addressing the identified need for further collaboration and exchange on the topic of sustainable beach wrack management. Administrator for the Network is the EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany.
Visit the Beach Wrack Network site at
Membership Form
If you would like to be part of the network, please fill in the membership form above and return it by email to:
The Beach Wrack Network builds on the CONTRA consortium which already comprises of public authorities, businesses, academia & NGOs from six countries (DK, DE, EE, PL, SE, RU) covering the whole range of coastal situations as well as administrative structures of the Baltic Sea region. The Lead partner, University of Rostock, as well as the other partner universities are proficient in the various fields of marine system studies such as benthic vegetation, nutrient cycling, environmental protection technologies or waste management.
The composition of project partners and associated organisations allows for the involvement of coastal municipalities, research institutions & SMEs from each participating country and guarantees that the project results have a long-term impact and are put into practice.

National contacts for all enquiries
Jane Hofmann
EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany
Prof. William Hogland
Linnaeus University
Marcin Żuchowski
Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic (APC ERB)
Tiia Möller-Raid
University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute
Current members include representatives from the following organisations:
Local Authorities
Municipality of Guldborgsund (DK)
Municipality of Koege (DK)
Municipality of Helsingborg (SE)
Municapality of Karlskrona (SE)
County Administrative Board of Skåne (SE)
Municipality of Ystad (SE)
NGOs / civil society organisations
EUCC – The Coastal Union Germany (DE)
Solroed Strandrens (DK)
Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic (PL)
Research Institutes
University of Hannover (DE)
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (DE)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (DE)
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)
University of Rostock (DE)
Linnaeus University (SE)
University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute (EE)
Private Companies
CoastGrass (DK)
Agrofertil International aps (DK)
Business Link / consulting agencies
Baltic Consulting GmbH (DE)
REM Consult (DE)
Baltic Energy Innovation Centre (SE)